Core Information about this Rapeh
Tribe (and/or maker): Shamanic Snuff
Core Information about Goddess
Overall Description
A good-sized free sample lovingly added to an order of Ambil from Shamanic Snuff in the Sacred Valley. It's blended by them from Chakruna leaves, and other plants, seeds and ashes. It's a mild and slightly grainy rapeh with some depth to it. A little on the subtle side, but a loving rapeh.
Further Stats
All Reviews So Far
Cumaru was so deep and loving, and I easily activated my chakras. What a blessing.
There was rapé stuck in my throat, which disturbed the ceremony, but it was very deep and peaceful overall and a lovely end to my day.
Samauma yet again brought an incredibly profound meditation, and this was a wonderful end to my weekend.
Jopo again gave such a deep, even forcefully deep, meditation, and I feel totally at ease and clear of mind.
Yet again, a perfect and extremely profound and connected meditation from Samauma that brought such peace. My mind took a while to fully settle, but I feel so positive and clear of mind now.
This was just what I needed. Goodess was nice and calming and Pau Pereira was profound. I feel amazing.
This Goddess really is nice, although mellow, with a certain charm to it, bringing peace. Putanny was profound, as normal, and it was a wonderfully deep meditation bringing so much joy and calm.
I accidentally got my kuripes mixed up and had the Jopo and Onca combination in the left nostril, with Goddess in the right. I didn't think it'd work, but it really did. Jopo and Onca immediately brought an absolutely profound meditation that lasted throughout, bringing very strong crown chakra activation. Goddess was also good, and didn't diminish the feeling. What a blessing.
Extremos brought such peace and connectedness. Some mild mind-chatter, but a lovely meditation, and I feel so positive.
Goddess was calming, but Samsara was absolutely perfect, sending me into very deep and peaceful meditation to end my day. What an amazing blessing this rapé is.
7 Ervas yet again was truly profound and very loving. I felt connected with all that is and this completely cleared my mind. A lovely end to my day.
Goddess was on the milder side (better than the other Goddess I have) and Extremes was profound, bringing deep peace. Love life!
I decided to go for two Shamanic Snuff blends, and both were nice. It's been a long time since I've done Divine Union in the right nostril. It doesn't feel as potent as it used to, but probably because I've had so many very potent rapés since then. A nice meditation that's set me up for the evening and really grounded me.
This Goddess rapé might just grow on me. I absolutely love its beautiful aroma, and it reminds me of Divine Union. In a larger amount, it could be very good. Cumaru was profound, and I had such peaceful meditation and one just as it should be.
I tried a new rapé, Goddess, which is a sample from Shamanic Snuff. It's a gray and very aromatic blend, but very grainy. It was mild, but I need to work more with it. The right-nostril combination brought great depth, but I had some rapé stuck in my throat and some mind-chatter.